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Indian Education Program
PO Box 226
Tok, AK 99780
Phone: (907) 883-5151
Fax: (907) 883-515
Karla Champagne
Program Director
To view AGSD's current Indian Policies & Procedures CLICK HERE!
Indian Education (Title VII - Indian, Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native Education) is a federally funded grant program under the U.S. Department of Education. This grant allows AGSD to employ staff in schools across the district who concentrate their efforts on academic assistance and cultural enrichment for Native Alaskan students. Title VII instructional assistants serve as advocates for students while providing supplemental academic assistance and facilitating dynamic cultural enrichment activities. An important component of our Indian Education Program includes parental support and involvement via the Indian Education Policy and Procedures Committee.
Purpose Of Indian Education Committee (IEC):
Title 20 of the United States Code mandates that school districts receiving Impact Aid Funds have a policy ensuring all parents and community members, including federally recognized tribes, have the opportunity to submit their views and engage in active consultation relating to the district's education and co-curricular programs.
Under the No Child Left Behind Act and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), it is the law's intent to encourage the maximum participation by American Indian/Alaskan Natives in the planning and management of American Indian/Alaska Native education programs. The district-wide Parent Advisory Committe provides an opportunity for all parents and community members, including the federally recognized tribes, to be meaningfully involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of each school's educational and co-curricular programs.
The purpose of Title VII, Indian Education, is to support schools as they provide opportunities for Native students to meet and exceed the state academic standards.The federal ED 506 form certifies a student's eligibility for the variety of services our program provides. Please take the time to complete the form and return it to the front office at your school.
Parents please keep in mind that we cannot accept corporation enrollment numbers because shares could be sold, bought, etc. We accept certicate of Indian blood cards, tribal enrollment numbers, and letters from your tribe.
Completed ED 506 forms help generate funds so we can provide services to Native students.
Upon acceptance of your child's enrollment form, you will receive newsletters that describe special opportunities for enrolled students. These include: academic tutoring, graduation/attendance support, as well as upcoming community events.
Please download the ED 506 form and return it to your child's school.
Cultural Standards Implementation
Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools Please find resources for implementing the Alaska State Cultural Standards here.